home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # vim:set et sts=4 sw=4:
- #
- # ibus - The Input Bus
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Huang Peng <shawn.p.huang@gmail.com>
- #
- # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- # License along with this program; if not, write to the
- # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
- # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- import gettext
- import os
- import signal
- import sys
- import time
- import gtk
- import gobject
- import pango
- import ibus
- import keyboardshortcut
- from os import path
- from xdg import BaseDirectory
- from gtk import gdk
- from gtk import glade
- from enginecombobox import EngineComboBox
- from enginetreeview import EngineTreeView
- from engineabout import EngineAbout
- _ = lambda a : gettext.dgettext("ibus", a)
- N_ = lambda a : a
- (
- ) = range(6)
- (
- ) = range(9)
- class Setup(object):
- def __flush_gtk_events(self):
- while gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration()
- def __init__(self):
- super(Setup, self).__init__()
- localedir = os.getenv("IBUS_LOCALEDIR")
- gettext.bindtextdomain("ibus", localedir)
- glade.bindtextdomain("ibus", localedir)
- gettext.bind_textdomain_codeset("ibus", "UTF-8")
- glade.textdomain("ibus")
- glade_file = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "./setup.glade")
- self.__xml = glade.XML(glade_file)
- self.__bus = None
- self.__init_bus()
- self.__init_ui()
- def __init_ui(self):
- # add icon search path
- self.__window = self.__xml.get_widget("window_preferences")
- self.__window.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)
- self.__button_close = self.__xml.get_widget("button_close")
- self.__button_close.connect("clicked", gtk.main_quit)
- # auto start ibus
- self.__checkbutton_auto_start = self.__xml.get_widget("checkbutton_auto_start")
- self.__checkbutton_auto_start.set_active(self.__is_auto_start())
- self.__checkbutton_auto_start.connect("toggled", self.__checkbutton_auto_start_toggled_cb)
- # keyboard shortcut
- # trigger
- self.__config = self.__bus.get_config()
- shortcuts = self.__config.get_value(
- "general/hotkey", "trigger",
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_trigger")
- entry = self.__xml.get_widget("entry_trigger")
- text = "; ".join(shortcuts)
- entry.set_text(text)
- entry.set_tooltip_text(text)
- button.connect("clicked", self.__shortcut_button_clicked_cb,
- N_("trigger"), "general/hotkey", "trigger", entry)
- # next engine
- shortcuts = self.__config.get_value(
- "general/hotkey", "next_engine",
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_next_engine")
- entry = self.__xml.get_widget("entry_next_engine")
- text = "; ".join(shortcuts)
- entry.set_text(text)
- entry.set_tooltip_text(text)
- button.connect("clicked", self.__shortcut_button_clicked_cb,
- N_("next input method"), "general/hotkey", "next_engine", entry)
- # prev engine
- shortcuts = self.__config.get_value(
- "general/hotkey", "prev_engine",
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_prev_engine")
- entry = self.__xml.get_widget("entry_prev_engine")
- text = "; ".join(shortcuts)
- entry.set_text(text)
- entry.set_tooltip_text(text)
- button.connect("clicked", self.__shortcut_button_clicked_cb,
- N_("previous input method"), "general/hotkey", "prev_engine", entry)
- # lookup table orientation
- self.__combobox_lookup_table_orientation = self.__xml.get_widget("combobox_lookup_table_orientation")
- self.__combobox_lookup_table_orientation.set_active(
- self.__config.get_value("panel", "lookup_table_orientation", 0))
- self.__combobox_lookup_table_orientation.connect("changed",
- self.__combobox_lookup_table_orientation_changed_cb)
- # auto hide
- self.__combobox_panel_show = self.__xml.get_widget("combobox_panel_show")
- self.__combobox_panel_show.set_active(
- self.__config.get_value("panel", "show", 1))
- self.__combobox_panel_show.connect("changed", self.__combobox_panel_show_changed_cb)
- # custom font
- self.__checkbutton_custom_font = self.__xml.get_widget("checkbutton_custom_font")
- self.__checkbutton_custom_font.set_active(
- self.__config.get_value("panel", "use_custom_font", False))
- self.__checkbutton_custom_font.connect("toggled", self.__checkbutton_custom_font_toggled_cb)
- self.__label_custom_font = self.__xml.get_widget("label_custom_font")
- self.__fontbutton_custom_font = self.__xml.get_widget("fontbutton_custom_font")
- if self.__config.get_value("panel", "use_custom_font", False):
- self.__label_custom_font.set_sensitive(True)
- self.__fontbutton_custom_font.set_sensitive(True)
- else:
- self.__label_custom_font.set_sensitive(False)
- self.__fontbutton_custom_font.set_sensitive(False)
- font_name = gtk.settings_get_default().get_property("gtk-font-name")
- font_name = unicode(font_name, "utf-8")
- font_name = self.__config.get_value("panel", "custom_font", font_name)
- self.__fontbutton_custom_font.connect("notify::font-name", self.__fontbutton_custom_font_notify_cb)
- self.__fontbutton_custom_font.set_font_name(font_name)
- # show ime name
- self.__checkbutton_show_im_name = self.__xml.get_widget("checkbutton_show_im_name")
- self.__checkbutton_show_im_name.set_active(
- self.__config.get_value("panel", "show_im_name", False))
- self.__checkbutton_show_im_name.connect("toggled", self.__checkbutton_show_im_name_toggled_cb)
- # use system keyboard layout setting
- self.__checkbutton_use_sys_layout = self.__xml.get_widget("checkbutton_use_sys_layout")
- self.__checkbutton_use_sys_layout.set_active(
- self.__config.get_value("general", "use_system_keyboard_layout", False))
- self.__checkbutton_use_sys_layout.connect("toggled", self.__checkbutton_use_sys_layout_toggled_cb)
- # init engine page
- self.__engines = self.__bus.list_engines()
- self.__combobox = EngineComboBox(self.__engines)
- self.__combobox.show()
- self.__xml.get_widget("alignment_engine_combobox").add(self.__combobox)
- tmp_dict = {}
- for e in self.__engines:
- tmp_dict[e.name] = e
- engine_names = self.__config.get_value("general", "preload_engines", [])
- engines = []
- for n in engine_names:
- if n in tmp_dict:
- engines.append(tmp_dict[n])
- self.__treeview = EngineTreeView(engines)
- self.__treeview.show()
- self.__xml.get_widget("scrolledwindow_engine_treeview").add(self.__treeview)
- self.__treeview.connect("changed", self.__treeview_changed_cb)
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_engine_add")
- button.connect("clicked",
- lambda *args:self.__treeview.append_engine(self.__combobox.get_active_engine()))
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_engine_remove")
- button.connect("clicked", lambda *args:self.__treeview.remove_engine())
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_engine_up")
- button.connect("clicked", lambda *args:self.__treeview.move_up_engine())
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_engine_down")
- button.connect("clicked", lambda *args:self.__treeview.move_down_engine())
- button = self.__xml.get_widget("button_engine_about")
- button.connect("clicked", self.__button_engine_about_cb)
- def __button_engine_about_cb(self, button):
- engine = self.__treeview.get_select_engine()
- if engine:
- about = EngineAbout(engine)
- about.run()
- about.destroy()
- def __treeview_changed_cb(self, treeview):
- engines = self.__treeview.get_engines()
- engine_names = map(lambda e: e.name, engines)
- self.__config.set_list("general", "preload_engines", engine_names, "s")
- def __init_bus(self):
- try:
- self.__bus = ibus.Bus()
- # self.__bus.connect("config-value-changed", self.__config_value_changed_cb)
- # self.__bus.connect("config-reloaded", self.__config_reloaded_cb)
- # self.__bus.config_add_watch("/general")
- # self.__bus.config_add_watch("/general/hotkey")
- # self.__bus.config_add_watch("/panel")
- except:
- while self.__bus == None:
- message = _("IBus daemon is not started. Do you want to start it now?")
- dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(type = gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION,
- buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO,
- message_format = message)
- id = dlg.run()
- dlg.destroy()
- self.__flush_gtk_events()
- if id != gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
- sys.exit(0)
- pid = os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "ibus-daemon", "ibus-daemon")
- time.sleep(1)
- try:
- self.__bus = ibus.Bus()
- except:
- continue
- message = _("IBus has been started! "
- "If you can not use IBus, please add below lines in $HOME/.bashrc, and relogin your desktop.\n"
- " export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus\n"
- " export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus\n"
- " export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus"
- )
- dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(type = gtk.MESSAGE_INFO,
- buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK,
- message_format = message)
- id = dlg.run()
- dlg.destroy()
- self.__flush_gtk_events()
- def __shortcut_button_clicked_cb(self, button, name, section, _name, entry):
- title = _("Select keyboard shortcut for %s") % _(name)
- dialog = keyboardshortcut.KeyboardShortcutSelectionDialog(buttons = buttons, title = title)
- text = entry.get_text()
- if text:
- shortcuts = text.split("; ")
- else:
- shortcuts = None
- dialog.set_shortcuts(shortcuts)
- id = dialog.run()
- shortcuts = dialog.get_shortcuts()
- dialog.destroy()
- if id != gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- return
- self.__config.set_list(section, _name, shortcuts, "s")
- text = "; ".join(shortcuts)
- entry.set_text(text)
- entry.set_tooltip_text(text)
- def __item_started_column_toggled_cb(self, cell, path_str, model):
- # get toggled iter
- iter = model.get_iter_from_string(path_str)
- data = model.get_value(iter, COLUMN_DATA)
- # do something with the value
- if data[DATA_STARTED] == False:
- try:
- self.__bus.register_start_engine(data[DATA_LANG], data[DATA_NAME])
- except Exception, e:
- dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR,
- buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE,
- message_format = str(e))
- dlg.run()
- dlg.destroy()
- self.__flush_gtk_events()
- return
- else:
- try:
- self.__bus.register_stop_engine(data[DATA_LANG], data[DATA_NAME])
- except Exception, e:
- dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR,
- buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE,
- message_format = str(e))
- dlg.run()
- dlg.destroy()
- self.__flush_gtk_events()
- return
- data[DATA_STARTED] = not data[DATA_STARTED]
- # set new value
- model.set(iter, COLUMN_ENABLE, data[DATA_STARTED])
- def __item_preload_column_toggled_cb(self, cell, path_str, model):
- # get toggled iter
- iter = model.get_iter_from_string(path_str)
- data = model.get_value(iter, COLUMN_DATA)
- data[DATA_PRELOAD] = not data[DATA_PRELOAD]
- engine = "%s:%s" % (data[DATA_LANG], data[DATA_NAME])
- if data[DATA_PRELOAD]:
- if engine not in self.__preload_engines:
- self.__preload_engines.add(engine)
- self.__config.set_list("general", "preload_engines", list(self.__preload_engines), "s")
- else:
- if engine in self.__preload_engines:
- self.__preload_engines.remove(engine)
- self.__config.set_list("general", "preload_engines", list(self.__preload_engines), "s")
- # set new value
- model.set(iter, COLUMN_PRELOAD, data[DATA_PRELOAD])
- def __is_auto_start(self):
- link_file = path.join(BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, "autostart/ibus.desktop")
- ibus_desktop = path.join(os.getenv("IBUS_PREFIX"), "share/applications/ibus.desktop")
- if not path.exists(link_file):
- return False
- if not path.islink(link_file):
- return False
- if path.realpath(link_file) != ibus_desktop:
- return False
- return True
- def __checkbutton_auto_start_toggled_cb(self, button):
- auto_start_dir = path.join(BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, "autostart")
- if not path.isdir(auto_start_dir):
- os.makedirs(auto_start_dir)
- link_file = path.join(BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, "autostart/ibus.desktop")
- ibus_desktop = path.join(os.getenv("IBUS_PREFIX"), "share/applications/ibus.desktop")
- # unlink file
- try:
- os.unlink(link_file)
- except:
- pass
- if self.__checkbutton_auto_start.get_active():
- os.symlink(ibus_desktop, link_file)
- def __combobox_lookup_table_orientation_changed_cb(self, combobox):
- self.__config.set_value(
- "panel", "lookup_table_orientation",
- self.__combobox_lookup_table_orientation.get_active())
- def __combobox_panel_show_changed_cb(self, combobox):
- self.__config.set_value(
- "panel", "show",
- self.__combobox_panel_show.get_active())
- def __checkbutton_custom_font_toggled_cb(self, button):
- if self.__checkbutton_custom_font.get_active():
- self.__label_custom_font.set_sensitive(True)
- self.__fontbutton_custom_font.set_sensitive(True)
- self.__config.set_value("panel", "use_custom_font", True)
- else:
- self.__label_custom_font.set_sensitive(False)
- self.__fontbutton_custom_font.set_sensitive(False)
- self.__config.set_value("panel", "use_custom_font", False)
- def __fontbutton_custom_font_notify_cb(self, button, arg):
- font_name = self.__fontbutton_custom_font.get_font_name()
- font_name = unicode(font_name, "utf-8")
- self.__config.set_value("panel", "custom_font", font_name)
- def __checkbutton_show_im_name_toggled_cb(self, button):
- value = self.__checkbutton_show_im_name.get_active()
- self.__config.set_value("panel", "show_im_name", value)
- def __checkbutton_use_sys_layout_toggled_cb(self, button):
- value = self.__checkbutton_use_sys_layout.get_active()
- self.__config.set_value("general", "use_system_keyboard_layout", value)
- def __config_value_changed_cb(self, bus, section, name, value):
- pass
- def __config_reloaded_cb(self, bus):
- pass
- def __sigusr1_cb(self, *args):
- self.__window.present()
- def run(self):
- self.__window.show_all()
- signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.__sigusr1_cb)
- gtk.main()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- setup = Setup()
- setup.run()